Stellic @ Cornell for Advisors

Welcome to the Cornell Guide to Stellic for Advisors! This comprehensive resource is designed to help you leverage Stellic, Cornell’s powerful degree planning and audit tool. For detailed guidance and step-by-step instructions, be sure to visit the Stellic Help Center, which offers robust support and resources. If you need further assistance, please reach out to  Home College Student Services Office.


Advisor Guide

This Advisor Guide aides our Stellic end-users in jump-starting their use of Stellic.  Learn how to review student profiles, make searches and save them, and how to review more options for your students.

Mark as Reviewed Feature (Student Profile)

The Mark as Reviewed feature provides advisors the opportunity to let students know they have reviewed their academic plan and agree that it is a great next step in their academic career.

Summary of Notes Feature - Coming Soon

Notes on an academic record can be a tricky task when keeping in mind FERPA and accuracy.  Review this guide for more information on the Stellic notes feature.


Frequently Asked Questions

Archive Student Status
  • Why does one of my students have "Archived - View Only" on their profile?
    • Archived students are no longer active students in Stellic and their information is no longer brought from Peoplesoft. This most likely means your student graduated, withdrew, or is otherwise inactive at Cornell. If you feel this is in error, please email your Home College Student Services Office.
  • Will there be an indication if a student has a FERPA confidentiality request?
    • Yes! Students with FERPA confidentiality/FERPA suppression currently have a tag on their profile that says “True.” OUR is working with Stellic to retitle this student profile tag to “FERPA Suppression.” This profile tag means we cannot release any information, including confirmation they are a student, externally. 
Collapsed Section
  • I know a major has more requirements, but they don't seem to be there.  What should I do?
    • Stellic may collapse a curriculum that is very long. Select "Compact" or "Expanded Audit" in the top right corner of your audit. Collapsed sections can help with the view and scrolling of a page.
Students who are on Leave or Absence (LOA) or Suspended
  • One of my students is on a Leave of Absence (LOA) or Suspended and the terms they were not active during show "no courses taken." Is this expected?
    • Yes. This is standard Stellic functionality. We're actively working with Stellic to change this or hide it, but for now this is how Stellic will note terms that students did not take courses.
Grade Options & S/U Classes
  • One of my students enrolled in a course and elected to take it S/U. Why isn't that indicated?
    • Grade options are not present in Stellic. OUR is investigating ways to reflect grade options when examining a course.
Prerequisites cleared
  • Courses that either don't have prerequisites, or the student hasn't completed the prerequisites, have the phrase "Prerequisites cleared" on them in Stellic. What do I do?
    • "Prerequisites cleared" will display if a course either does not have listed prerequisites or the student has completed the prerequisites listed in PeopleSoft. As OUR works with the colleges and schools to update PeopleSoft with prerequisites and corequisites on courses, we are also working with Stellic to see if we can temporarily exclude the "prerequisites cleared" marker.
Turning off Split Credits 
  • Should I use the "Move Excess Credits" exception if a student has more credits than needed in a section of their audit?
    • Not necessarily. The "move excess credits" exception is typically for when courses may count in multiple requirements. Consult with your Home College Student Services Office for standard operating procedures.
Stellic Replacing PeopleSoft 
  • Is Stellic replacing PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, Cornell’s Student Information System (SIS)?
    • No. Stellic is not a replacement for PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. PeopleSoft performs a variety of functions and contains types of information that Stellic does not. However, if your college or school is using PeopleSoft Academic Advising, they will be migrated to Stellic over the course of this project.
Hypothetical Course Grades and Term GPAs 
  • Are students able to incorporate hypothetical course grades and term GPAs into their planning in Stellic?
    • This is not functionally supported in Stellic. Students cannot factor in hypothetical course grades or term GPAs into their plan. 
Mark As Reviewed Changes
  • I made changes to my student’s plan then selected “Mark as Reviewed.” Now the “Unreviewed Changes” message is gone from the student’s record. What happened?
    • The “Unreviewed Changes” message will display when changes are made after the last time “Mark as Reviewed” was completed.

How current is the data in Stellic? 
The data in Stellic is as current as the Last refreshed date. This date is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen when you’re in Stellic. Last refreshed date indicates the most recent update from Cornell’s Student Information System, PeopleSoft. The data is typically refreshed from PeopleSoft on a nightly basis. The Last refreshed date is important because it lets you know how current the data is. This ensures that you are making decisions based on the most recent information available.

Why does nothing show up when I try on a major or minor on a student record?

Only the first round of majors are present in Stellic right now.  The available programs are listed below.  If a major/minor is not listed below, it will only list a title of the program on the student record when trying it on as a planned program.  No requirements will present.

Available Majors to Try On:

  • Animal Science
  • Communications
  • Entomology
  • Food Science
  • Global Development

Preferred & Legal Names in Stellic

Q: How does Stellic use preferred names from PeopleSoft? A: Stellic uses the preferred names set in PeopleSoft for both students and advisors. This means the name you prefer to be called will appear in Stellic.
Q: How do I set my preferred name in PeopleSoft? A: Students can log in to PeopleSoft, go to "Personal Details," select "Names," enter your preferred name, and save.  Faculty and staff can log into Workday to maintain your preferred names.
Q: Will my legal name still be used? A: Yes, your legal name will be used in official documents, but your preferred name will be used in daily interactions within Stellic.