Mark As Reviewed Feature (Student Profile)


A tracking tool for Advisors for student plans that have been reviewed and/or for plans that have changed since the last time an advisor has reviewed a plan.

Related Documents:

Stellic Help Center: Using the Review Feature for Student Plans (video tutorial available)


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Students and advisors/administrative staff  have the option to ask their advisor to review and approve their plan. The advisor will receive a notification to review the students plan and can use the Mark as Reviewed feature to mark the plan as reviewed. The feature serves as a tracking tool for student plans that have been reviewed and for plans that have changed since the last time an advisor has reviewed a plan. It can also serve as a proactive method to stay engaged with students, letting them know by notification that their plan has been reviewed.


To learn more about starting out in Stellic, check out the resources provided by OUR.

Plan Review initiation by student

  1. Student makes a change to their plan > Selects ‘Request to Review Plan’ > Selects Advisor
    1. Opportunities for students to use this feature include when students are considering studying abroad, taking a leave of absence, adjusting their graduation date, or exploring major or minor changes
  2. The request button changes to ‘Review Requested’ for the student
  3. The Advisor receives a notification to review the student’s plan

Screenshot of Stellic Text

Figure 1 Stellic Help CenterGeneric Image: Not Cornell Data  

  1. The Advisor reviews the plan > Selects ‘Mark as Reviewed’
  2. ‘Mark as Reviewed’ will change to ‘Reviewed’ with a green thumbs up

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  1. The student receives a notification that their plan has been reviewed. The request button shows ‘Reviewed’ for the student.

Screenshot of Stellic Text

Figure 2: Stellic Help Center Generic Image: Not Cornell Data

  1. The request button for the student will reset back to ‘Request to Review Plan’ once they make a change on their plan.
    1. For the advisor: If changes are made after a plan has been marked reviewed, the plan will show unreviewed, and the advisor will see an Unreviewed Changes note. 


Screenshot of Stellic system

Figure 3: Stellic help Center Generic Image: Not Cornell Data

  1. When an advisor modifies the student plan, it stays in ‘reviewed’ status. It only reverts to ‘unreviewed’ when the student makes changes.

Plan Review not initiated by student

  1. Advisor/Administrative Staff reviews plan and clicks ‘Mark as Reviewed’
  2. Student receives a notification that their plan has been reviewed and the request button changed to ‘Reviewed’


  • An advisor or administrative staff can use the Mark as Reviewed button without the student requesting a review of their plan.
  • We recommend that advisors or administrative staff create a filter and saved report with notifications to review requests for review. This can be accomplished by navigating here:  Filters > Planned > Reviewed Status > Options: Both Reviewed and Unreviewed plans, Only Reviewed plans, Only Unreviewed plans, Requested for review, Unreviewed since last change.
    • For a visual explanation of creating a filter and saving it as a report, please refer to the image below
  • Regardless of notification setting, at minimum, both the student and advisor will see a notification icon alert when they log into Stellic.


  • There is no impact on a student’s degree requirement when using the feature. The feature is simply a method for tracking plans and asking for advisor feedback.
  • An advisor can revert a reviewed status if a mistake was made. The student will be notified along with the advisors' reason for the revert.
    • Rewrite:
    • If an advisor erroneously selects “Mark as Reviewed,” they can revert their action by selecting “revert.” Selecting “revert” under the “Mark as Reviewed” button requires a note to explain why it was reverted. Once the reversion is complete, the student will be notified of the reversion along with the explanation for the change from the advisor.


Screenshot of Stellic system