How to Enroll in a Class

You may add a class directly through your Student Center during either pre-enrollment or open enrollment (prior to the start of each semester). If your enrollment window has closed or an enrollment deadline has passed, please reach out to your College Registrar for further guidance.

To start, after logging in to your Student Center, click on Enroll.

image of Academics class list with a red border around the word Enroll

Select Add under the Enroll tab.

image of tabs with a red border around Enroll and Add

Step 1 - Select classes to add

Select the term in which you will be changing your enrollment.

Image of Select Term with options for Summer and Fall, the continue button at bottom is highlighted yellow

Enter the Class Number in Enter Class Nbr and then select Enter.

Image of Select classes to add with a red arrow pointing to where you key in the class number

Confirm that you will be enrolling in the appropriate grading basis and number of units on the Enrollment Preferences page and click Next.

Image of the class preferences screen and a red arrow pointing to the Grading and Units  along with a red border around the Next button

Once you select Next, the class will appear in your shopping cart. Select Proceed to Step 2 of 3 to continue with your enrollment request.

Image of shopping cart with your classes and a red border around the Proceed to Step 2 of 3

Step 2 - Confirm classes

Select Finish Enrolling.

Image of Confirm classes screen with a red border around Finish Enrolling

Step 3 - View Results

A successful enrollment attempt will produce a success message and green check mark in the status field.

Image of View results screen, with a red arrow point to the status box and green checkmark

An unsuccessful enrollment attempt will produce an error message and a red X in the status field.

Image of View results screen with a red arrow point to the Status with a red X