Certification of Enrollment and Degree

The Office of the University Registrar is responsible for certifying student enrollment and degrees. The University Registrar maintains both past and present student records, but cannot verify future enrollment. Cornell University utilizes the National Student Clearinghouse to offer students verification services and the ability to print their own certifications. All information about current and former students is provided by the Office of the University Registrar. 


Current Students

Current students can access the National Student Clearinghouse request via Student Center

  1. Log in to Student Center.
  2. Under Academics, click the Other Academic Information drop-down
  3. Click Enrollment Verification and arrow.
  4. A new window will open to the NSC request page

What Services Are Available

  • Obtain an enrollment certificate to print and mail to a health insurer or other company that requests your proof of enrollment.
  • View specific information about your student loans.
  • View the student loan deferment notifications that the Clearinghouse has provided to your loan holders (lenders and guarantors).
  • View the enrollment information on file with the Clearinghouse.
  • View the proof(s) of enrollment that the Clearinghouse has provided to your health insurers and other providers of student services or products.

Certifications for students who do not have a U.S. Social Security number or those who need paper documentation may be requested by e-mail or in-person.

  • Email
    Send message to univreg@cornell.edu. Please include the following information:
    • Full name while attending Cornell University
    • Month/Day of your Date of Birth
    • Cornell Net ID or Student ID (if known)
    • Hard-copy or Electronic
    • Email or Mailing Address
  • In-Person
    Visit the Office of the University Registrar in 245 Day Hall to make a request in person. 
    Office Hours are Monday - Thursday, 9am-1pm, 2pm-4pm (subject to change for holidays and circumstances). 


Former Students

Attendance during or after Spring 2009: 
Former Students can access the National Student Clearinghouse request via Student Center.

  1. Log in to Student Center.
  2. Under Academics, click the Other Academic Information drop-down
  3. Click Enrollment Verification and arrow.
  4. A new window will open to the NSC request page

NOTE:  Access to Student Center requires active Net ID access and DUO authentication. For more information, visit Cornell CIT

Attendance prior to Spring 2009: Request certification here. There is a small fee for each request. Any former Cornell student with a valid U.S. Social Security number may make a request online.

Certifications for former students who do not have a U.S. Social Security number or those who need paper documentation may be requested by e-mail or in-person.

  • Email
    Send message to univreg@cornell.edu. Please include the following information:
    • Full name while attending Cornell University
    • Month/Day of your Date of Birth
    • Cornell Net ID or Student ID (if known)
    • Hard-copy or Electronic
    • Email or Mailing Address
  • In-Person
    Visit the Office of the University Registrar in 245 Day Hall to make a request in person. Office Hours are Monday - Thursday, 9am-1pm, 2pm-4pm (subject to change for holidays and circumstances). 


Third Party Requester

Cornell University utilizes the National Student Clearinghouse for enrollment and degree verifications for third party requesters. Any discrepancies in the information provided by NSC should be sent back to NSC for investigation.