Stellic Advisor Notes

Navigation Sections Overview

A diagram of a student's progress

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 Note: The level of permissions you have may mean you see a different landing page panel to others. 



  • Only students for whom you have an academic reason to view will be accessible. This aligns with the expectations outlined by FERPA regulations.
  • The landing page of the Students tab will automatically display a list of all students whom you have academic reason to view across various departments. 
  • Students are listed in the below format, whereby an overview of the student is given, such as: CGPA, student level, major, and snapshot of courses taken, planned, and/or unplanned. 


*Clicking on a student’s full name in the list directs you to the degree audit and detailed information of the student. 


The landing page of the Programs tab will display a list of all programs that you have academic reason to view across various departments. 

Programs are listed in the below format, whereby a snapshot of the program and audit versions are given, such as: major name, major code, attached colleges, and the amount of published audit versions. 

*Selecting a specific program directs you to the program’s degree audit build. 

The landing page of the Courses tab will display a list of all current courses in Stellic across different departments. 

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*Reminder: Inactive courses are not present in the course listing, however inactive courses previously taken by students will show on their individual student degree audits.


Clicking on the panel view of a specific course will open the expanded view with additional course detailsA screenshot of a computer

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Pathways are not a functional part of Stellic for Cornell at this time.  Stay tuned for updates in the future!


Help Information

Help Chat
Help Chat, located at the bottom of the navigation panel provides internal resources on how to use Stellic. 

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Description automatically generatedThe ability to search for topics and access Quickstart Guides is readily available.  

*Reminder: Although you have the ability to ask questions via Help Chat messages, please submit questions to your Home College Student Services Office  when you need assistance for Cornell specific questions.  The Stellic chat is intended for general questions.

Landing Page Top-Right Icons

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Help Icon (Question Mark Symbol)

Located in the top-right corner of the Stellic screen, the Help Bubble provides many of the same resources as the chat, along with quick access to the Help Center on Stellic’s website. In summary: 

  1. Help Center: Clicking this option redirects you to Stellic Help Center site, where you can search for topics, articles, and frequently asked questions. 
  2. Quick Start Guide: Clicking this option redirects you to an article that serves as a quick look at some of the primary features of Stellic. 
  3. Report a Problem: Selecting this option brings up Stellic’s in-app help feature, guiding you to options for reporting an issue or connecting with Stellic.
  4. Share Feedback: Selecting this option also opens Stellic’s in-app help feature.  If you would like to speak to a Stellic team member directly, select “Messages” in the help feature.
  5. Accessibility Center: Clicking this option redirects you to an article that walks you through Stellic's Accessibility Support and Documentation.


Calendar Icon (Calendar Symbol)

The calendar expanded icon gives a list view of all pertinent deadlines/benchmark dates for the current semester and the upcoming semester.  The Cornell Stellic calendar has been created with baseline dates at this time, more details will be coming. 

Notifications Icon (Bell Symbol)

  • Clicking this option pulls up the expanded Notifications and Settings view. 
  • In the Notifications tile, changes or updates that are pertinent to you will be highlighted for your review.
  • In the Settings tile, modifications to notification location and frequency can be changed.

Profile Icon (With your Initials)

  • Clicking this option directs you to the expanded profile view. 
  • There are three options that get presented to you:  
    1. Settings: Displays user information and allows modifications on how student profiles are displayed, including options for layout preferences, report printing options, and web accessibility settings. 
    2. Switch to Test Student View: Allows you to select an advisee to clone and create a test view. 
    3. Logout: Takes you to a page with logout instructions. Additional action is needed to logout. 


Advisor View of Students

Student Reports

Navigation:  Log into Stellic > Select “Students” in the navigation (this is also the default landing page)

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Purpose: Student reports are a great way to sort through advisee lists quickly. Additionally, if a new advisee is added to your case load, you can receive automatic outreach. If you’re looking for a more active report, consider looking at GPA alerts.


There are two methods to create the two types of Student Reports.

Add New Report: This is the large tile present above the search results


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Save as Report: This is the button/link next to the used filters above the search results

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When creating a report, there are two options for the type of report you create.

  1. Automated
    1. Any time a student matches the filters of the list, they will be added to the list
      1. Example: If a filter is used for Animal Science, BS students who began their time at Cornell University in 2023, along with a filter for students with less than a 2.5 cumulative GPA, any students who meet those requirements will be added to the automated list in the future.
  2. Manual
    1. Students on the list won’t change and must be manually added or removed from the list


Automated Reports

Track Changes:

Navigation: Select New Report > Enter the Report Title > Select Track Changes 

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The Track Changes feature notifies you of any changes in your report's results and provides a more detailed view of student-related changes. To change your notification settings, select the notification icon at the top right of the landing page. 

When you receive a notification about a change, clicking on the tracked report lets you see the students who’ve changed since your last login. You can view newly added or removed students or view ‘all’ who match your search criteria (‘all’ does not include student who have been removed)

Notifying Students:
You can select the subset of students you wish to communicate changes, or updates with through the reports by sending the message. Students receive these messages through the method they have elected to in their settings.

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The Notify Students feature is an additional option that works in conjunction with the Track Changes feature allowing you to send a customized message when students match the criteria in your report.

The message will apply to students currently identified in your report and those automatically added in the future.  

Manual Reports

Adding additional students:

Navigation: Select Saved Report > Select + Add Student > Select Add Student(s) > Select Continue > Search by entering or pasting names > Select Add Students to Report

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Removing students:

Navigation: Select Saved Report > Select the student you wish to remove > Select the three dots on the students panel view next to courses > Select Remove student from report > Confirm by selecting Remove Student

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Selecting your saved report allows you to make edits to your saved report:

Editing Options:

  • Change the Report Title 
  • Delete the Report

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Selecting the Edit Report button allows you to: 

  • Add/Remove the Track Changes feature for Automated Reports
  • Add/Remove the Notify Student feature for Automated Reports
  • Change the Report from Automated to Manual (FYI: once manual it is not reversible)



After creation, your reports are located on the main Student tab under ‘Saved Reports’. Clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of a saved report provides the option to delete the report as well. After confirmation, the report will be deleted. 

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Student Reports are utilized to focus on specific groups of students, determined by the report’s purpose. Their main functions include messaging, offering progress updates, generating data, and enabling CSV file downloads for deeper student information analysis. 


Exceptions may be placed by  faculty or staff with the appropriate access levels. 

Note: Each example given would only occur based on the policies and practices of the school, department, or advisor in each case.  None of these examples should be assumed to be accurate representations of what occurs in departments.

Waive Requirement

Navigation:  Students > [student ID] > Under a Heading click the three dots to the right> Make an Exception requirement > “…” > Waive Requirement 

Waiving a requirement is when a student meets the course objectives without needing to take that specific course. For example, an advisor could feel a student had completed the learning objectives of INFO 2450 (communication and technology) in their work as a social media manager for a corporation prior to becoming a Cornell University student.


Navigation:  Students > [student ID] > Under a Heading click the three dots to the right> Make an Exception requirement > “…” > Substitution

Substituting one course for another in a requirement will remove the selected course from where it was originally in the students’ audit. For example, if a student takes MATH 1120F (AP Mathematics: Calculus BC), an advisor can substitute the course for the Quantitative Reasoning Requirement.

Waive or Modify Requirement Constraint

Navigation:  Students > [student ID] > Under a Heading click the three dots to the right> Make an Exception requirement > “…” > Waive or Modify Requirement Constraint

Waiving or Modifying a Constraint involves adjusting the requirements’ controls. For example, if a student completes a course that an advisor wants to count toward a requirement, but it falls short by one credit (e.g. 3 credits instead of 4 credits) the advisor could modify the credit constraint accordingly. Remember, any credit adjustment made to a specific requirement should also be considered at the program level.

Exclude Courses

Navigation:  Students > [student ID] > Under a Heading click the three dots to the right> Make an Exception requirement > “…” > Exclude Courses

Excluding courses is an option to circumvent the requirement for a specific course that has already been taken to count towards satisfying the requirement under which this exception is being made. For example: If there is an exception to exclude PE 1940 towards satisfying the University Graduation Requirement: Physical Education requirement, PE 1940 will no longer count towards the overall University Graduation Requirement. 

Move Excess Credits

Navigation:  Students > [student ID] > Under a Heading click the three dots to the right> Make an Exception requirement > “…” > Move Excess Credits

Moving excess credits is an option that allows you to split a course into multiple parts so it can count for more than one requirement simultaneously. To do so, the exception must take place on the ‘parent’ requirement followed by selecting where the excess credits will be placed.  For example: if an exception is being made to move excess credits from PE 1940 towards satisfying the Physical Education requirement, PE 1940 will no longer count towards the University Graduation Requirement. The one credit it represents is being redirected to another requirement area to potentially fulfill the overall degree requirement, thus no longer satisfying the specific Physical Education requirement.

Tips/Tricks: Before submitting a request for an exception, justification will be required for why the exception is being requested/granted.  It is important to give detailed and thorough justifications so that exceptions can be processed properly, and reviewed so that the student is meeting requirements accurately. 

Manually Defined Requirements 

Please NoteThis is a 'how-to' guide, but please ensure that you follow your own department/school policies regarding the creation of and the agreement upon the list of approved courses.

Request an exception

Navigation: Students Tab > Enter the Student Name,  EMPLID, or NetID > Locate the appropriate category.  


  1. Hover over the 3 dots > Select Request An Exception



  1. Select Exception Workflow under New Request
  2. Select Waive or Modify Requirement Constraint


Add an approved set of courses

  1. Select Modify 
  2. Select Specific Courses 
  3. Enter the approved course subject code and number, ensuring the subject code is in ALL CAPS.
  4. Enter a Justification (your name and a timestamp will be attached to the request once submitted)
  5. Select Submit Request then Select OK



Once the exception request has been submitted

  • The request will follow the exception workflow for approval by the DUS or Advising Coordinator, Department Committee, and Registrar. Each approver will receive a notification on their Request sidebar tab to prompt them to start their approval step in the workflow.
    • You can view its progress by selecting the view details link within the students requirement constraint or by selecting the Requests Tab on the students progress tab

Once the exception request has been approved

  • The original requestor and student will receive a notification within Stellic that the exception was accepted. 
  • The exception details and various sign-off timestamps will be visible within the requirement constraint area (9). As the student completes the specified courses, the fulfilled requirements will be reflected in the degree audit. (10)




Note: Communications sent in Stellic are recorded on individual student records. Remember, bulk messages will not filter out personal student information, so it’s crucial to prioritize FERPA compliance when communicating through Stellic.


Navigation: Log into Stellic > Bell in the top right corner of the webpage

When a notification comes through Stellic, a red dot will appear on the bell icon in the top right corner of the webpage.  When selected, the bell icon presents two tabs, the Notifications and Settings tabs.

Notifications will include outreach from students and changes to reports and student profiles.

The Settings tab includes your email notifications options, what alerts you want delivered in what way, and adjustments to when you receive updates on any automated reports you have created.


Navigation:  Students > [student ID] > Select Student > click on the Envelope icon on the student’s profile

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Using the Individual communication method will contact students through their chosen notification method in their settings. Although they can’t fully disable notifications, they can limit them to in-app messages. This is a great way to reach out to a student about their audit.


Navigation:  Students > Filter based on required group OR open saved report > Select All or desired students from your list > Select Actions > Select Send Message to ‘X ‘ Students

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The Bulk communication method sends the same message to a group of students. Bulk messages do not bypass student notification settings.

As a verification tool, the message window indicates both the number of students you’re messaging, and the filters used to select them.

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Tips/Tricks: Understand the audience you are communicating with, and remember FERPA guidelines at all times.